☆ Light is a medium that some of the winners …

☆ Light is a medium that some of the winners at one&twenty 2023 are focussing on. What characterises their awarded projects?⠀

The “Elevation Lamp” by alexander.schul makes it easy to set different lighting atmospheres. From direct and indirect to decorative light.⠀ ⠀ The "Measuring Tape Lamp" by josua_roters is a lighting system in which the characteristics of rolling tape measures have been combined with a light source.⠀

“Nomad” by moritz__walter and m__miclle is a portable lamp that rethinks solar charging for indoor use. Turning the ambient luminaire over switches between the two modes: solar charging and ambient lighting.⠀

Photos: @designinpictures⠀

#oneandtwentymilan #wetakeyoutomilan #oneandtwenty #germandesigncouncil #salonedelmobile #milanodesignweek #brera #design #designer #lighting #light #luminaire #lamp #interior